The Usefulness Of Kerosene Lamps

by erin on February 22, 2011

There are hundreds of non-electric lighting modes in use today. In the past kerosene lamps were popular, that is before electricity and solar energy was discovered. The liquid, which is also commonly referred to as paraffin, is still very much used in remote areas. It is an excellent alternative form of lighting during blackouts and also in areas lacking electric power. They are favored over candles, lanterns and other types of lamps.

Lamps should be clean, clear and undamaged for them to produce enough lighting. They are suited for indoor lighting, as well as outdoor lighting. Lamps have been in use for hundreds of years and are still being used today. They are preferred over others because they are immune to wind. They are still the main form of lighting in many remote countries. Paraffin is generally safe compared to most forms of lighting.

Paraffin and gasoline are derived from petroleum distillation. So far, it has proven quite effective, more so than plant and animal oils which were used in primitive lamps. The lamps resist water and are relatively inexpensive. They can produce enough light to illuminate large as well as small rooms including police stations. They may not produce light equivalent to electricity but come in handy sometimes.

Paraffin does not produce smoke or fumes. It has an edge over other types of lamps in that the chances of it falling and starting a fire are fewer. There is glass chimney that encloses the flame to keep it steady and also prevent it from blowing off. There is a handle that suspends into the paraffin reservoir to control the heat produced. The wick, a cotton fabric dipped into the reservoir, is the one responsible for the light. It extends out of a round protruding metallic dish.

The top of the reservoir is an adjustment knob which facilitates the turning of the wick. Currently, flat wick paraffin lamps are the most common due to their simplicity. They are also quite cheap and can be purchased in any discount shop. These lamps produce yellow light which is effective enough to enable one to perform different chores. It is portable and can be carried anywhere both inside and outside the house.

Paraffin can produce sufficient light the whole night with no fumes. The lamp is designed to be placed on flat surfaces such as tables and also hung from the ceiling. To get effective lighting, the wick should constantly be adjusted. The wick burns to produce flame while at the same time producing heat.

The lamps do not produce noise like pressure lamps. They are very useful during cold seasons because they produce heat. They are generally considered safe for lighting in rooms with very little ventilation yet they do not produce poisonous gas.

Kerosene lamps are very useful today, much like compact gasifiers. In fact, it seems that they will still be is use for a long time to come. This is due to the easy, accessibility convenience. They help light up a room during darkness, blackout and can also be used outside. With the illumination provided, the lamps can help accomplish a lot where there is darkness.

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