Getting Through Alcohol Detox

by erin on January 12, 2012

Increased consumption of alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and even spirits over a long period of time can result in a chemical dependency. The habit of binge drinking and alcohol abuse may lead to an eventual addiction. The purpose of alcohol detox includes a variety of physical symptoms characterized by withdrawal processes in order to regain control over habits.


Alcoholic dependency will include the experience of intensified cravings, lack of drinking control and increased tolerance to the substance. Intoxication is only achieved when more alcohol is consumed which means tolerance has been reached. Drinking patterns start off as mild in nature with a gradual increase in severity to the point where the individual has lost control over drinking.


In the event that a user quits the intake of alcoholic beverages, he or she will experience detoxification in which the body will attempt to cleanse itself of the substance. This difficult process involves a variety of withdrawal symptoms and is best overseen by medical professionals or within a rehabilitation facility. All users will have to go through the detoxifying procedure in order to proceed with rehabilitation and effective treatment that could progress for 2 weeks.

A Toll On The Body

Long-term use of alcoholic substances can have a negative impact on internal bodily mechanisms, which includes the occurrence of gastrointestinal tract irritation. In such instances, the effects have been reported as nausea, cramping, vomiting and eventual internal bleeding. Individuals may become malnourished as the body is unable to absorb essential nutrients resulting in a gaunt appearance.

Detoxification Symptoms

The road to sobriety includes having to eliminate all consumption of alcoholic substances after which, withdrawal symptoms are experienced. The detoxification process requires assistance by medical professionals and rehabilitation facilities due to the nature of symptoms. Effects are reported as mild and increasing in severity during the process of withdrawal which is also dependent on the extent of the addiction.


With extended use of alcohol and increased consumption, the act of eliminating alcoholic substances from lifestyle will result in symptoms. These effects are often physical and psychological in nature and may increase in severity. Detoxification is necessary for effective treatment and rehabilitation and should include the support of medical experts and facilities offered through rehabilitative centers.

More Symptoms

The initial process of withdrawal from alcoholic substances is characterized by milder symptoms of excessive sweating, headaches, hallucinatory behavior and an elevated blood pressure. With the experience of irregular heart rhythms and increased blood pressure, there is an increased risk for heart attacks and stroke. A sudden elimination of the alcoholic substance results in intense cravings and requires professional assistance for effective outcomes.


Visual and auditory hallucinations are reported and can last for a number of days. In severe cases of dependency, delirium may occur and the individual will appear disoriented, hyperactive and confused. There is also risk for stroke and heart attack requiring medical assistance.

The process of alcohol detox begins once the user has decided to quit drinking in which a variety of uncomfortable symptoms are experienced. These effects can become life threatening. For successful detoxification whether alcohol or prescription drug detox, it is best to seek the assistance and support of qualified rehabilitative services.

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